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The author is a native Arabic speaker He got a degree in Islamic Law (Sharia Law) & Civil Law. Which make him qualified to be a Judge in Islamic court,who has intimate knowledge of the foundational Islamic texts. He uses this knowledge to address an expansive list of topics representing typical questions or myths about Islam. The coverage of each topic includes explanation and specific relevant quotes from Islamic sources. “The Deception of Allah” is a must read for anyone wanting to understand Islam and its relevance to western civilization. one of his very well known books is “The Deception of Allah” which is about The faith of Islam The name of this book is taken from Qur’an 3:54, which says, “plus they deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers.” V1 exposes some of the claims of Muslims about the Qur’an and scientific miracles, but In V 2 of the book covers the rest of it. The book is made to be a powerful tool in your hand to prevent any kind of deception can come to you or your family. Muslims are trying to spread Islam all over USA and the rest of the world by deception, using the ignorance of the Western regarding Islam, and Arabic language, imagine your son or daughter coming back from school and telling you I became a Muslim, I’m sure you don’t want this to happen to your house and your family, and the best way to prevent it is education, this book is nothing more than masterpiece of education,every page in this book come with the actual text and sources with real translation, with no Political Correctness and the Totalitarian Mentality,”The Deception of Allah Volume I” addresses the things you need to know about Islam, basing its information on citations and quotes from accepted Islamic sources. The author shoots down one myth and misconception after another by revealing exactly what the Qur’an, Sunnah and Tafsirs (commentaries) say about each subject.
Dans la foi musulmane, quelle place exactement occupent ruse et tromperie? Paroles d’Allah: «Ils intensifièrent leur tromperie, et Allah employa la tromperie et Allah est le meilleur des trompeurs » (Coran 3:54). Le tome 1 du présent ouvrage s’attache à démontrer la manipulation qui caractérise ce système idéologique, comme par exemple les prétendus miracles scientifiques du Coran. Le tome 2 (“Le Coran et la Science, étude approfondie”) analyse les multiples ramifications de cette imposture fondamentale et révèle quantité de faits mal connus et pourtant essentiels pour comprendre cette vision du monde et la stratégie qu’elle développe. On ne trouvera pas ici de jugements subjectifs ou tendancieux, mais un exposé impartial et une analyse rigoureuse de faits et de textes solidement étayés par leurs sources musulmanes indiscutables et clairement identifiées: le Coran, la Sunnah et les Tafsirs. Ainsi se trouvent déjouées l’hypocrisie et la coupable complaisance de nos médias et de nos hommes politiques qui s’évertuent à entretenir le mythe d’un islam humaniste et bienveillant. L’auteur de ce livre, de langue maternelle arabe, diplômé de Droit Civil et Canonique islamique (la fameuse Sharia), possède les compétences requises d’un juge siégeant dans un tribunal islamique. Il cite ses sources directement en arabe et vous donne les clés pour les comprendre. Bref, un ouvrage indispensable pour qui s’interroge sur les dérives actuelles de notre monde!

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